Public library boards are governing boards, legal corporations with the authority to make policy and to govern the library’s affairs under the Public Libraries Act, RSO 1990.
Interested in becoming a Board member? More information is available here.
Board meetings are held at the library or via Zoom platform on the 4th Wednesday of the month, at 7:00 pm with the exception of July and August. The public is always welcome to attend.
Rick Hill
Beth Bruder
Emily Rowley
Bobbi Wright
Don Leeson
Andrea Mensen
Catriona (Tina) May
Parise Herbert
Heather Ratz
Vice Chair
Council Representative
Council Representative
Library CEO, Secretary, Treasurer
All of our board meeting minutes are recorded and posted to the website.
They are in PDF format so you will need to have a PDF reader such as Adobe Reader in order to open and read them.