Patrons are expected to present their cards at the circulation desk when signing out library materials. Sign out as many items as you like, and renew items that are not on hold by others.
For our most popular books, you can borrow them for 3 weeks, but they’re not available for holds. Instead, visit the library and see what’s on the shelf! If you find a book you’ve been excitedly waiting for, it’s your Lucky Day!
Lucky Day books cannot be placed on hold or renewed.
“We threw the book at library fines and we are proud of it! Library fines made up less than 1% of our operating budget and created a punitive barrier to service. They actually worked against the very essence of what a library represents. We have given you less to worry about and more to celebrate.” – The library’s CEO
Please return all library materials on time. Items can be returned to the Circulation Desk when the library is open or in the drop box which is located at the front door of the library. There is also a drop box at the Codrington Branch. eBooks return themsevles.
Patrons are responsible for materials while on loan to them. A patron who loses or damages library material shall be required to pay replacement costs. Any charges in excess of $5.00 will result in loss of borrowing privileges, once the balance is below $5.00, the privileges will be reinstated.
Any material that is overdue 60+ days will result in replacement cost being added to the record.
If you don’t have a library card yet, click below to learn how to sign up.